Gitlab Integration

Bpipe supports integration with Gitlab, which enables you to create issues and add notes to them as part of your Bpipe pipeline.


Gitlab integration is accomplished through the existing framework for sending notifications. To configure it, you need to set up a notification channel of type 'gitlab' in your bpipe.config file for your pipeline. There are three important settings:

  • the URL of your Gitlab server
  • the project within which you want to integrate
  • an authentication token, generated from your settings page in Gitlab

Note that all integration is done within the context of a particular project. If you want to communicate with more than one project, they should be configured as separate notification channels.

Here is an example configuration:

notifications {
    gitlab {

Usage in Pipeline Scripts

Interaction with Gitlab within pipeline scripts is accomplished using the send command, in the form:

send issue(... details...) to gitlab

The gitlab in the above expression is the name of the Gitlab notification channel, which is gitlab by default, but can be a custom name if you set it up that way in the notification configuration.

To create an issue you must at least specify the title. The other parameters are optional and include label, assignee and description. A full example is as follows:

    send issue(                                                                         
            title: 'Hello there from Bpipe',                            
            description: 'This issue was created by bpipe.\n\n- super awesome',         
            assignee: 'joe.bloggs',                                                  
            label: 'testlabel' 
            ) to gitlab

If you run this once, it will create the issue. If you run it again before closing the issue, it will add a note to the issue instead.

NOTE: the issue will be identified by substring search of the title attribte. Any issue containing the title in either the description or the title will match. To apply stricter matching, use the Advanced Search Syntax.

Advanced Search Syntax

More flexiblity can be obtained in identifying the issue to match by supplying a Groovy Map as the title. The map should have two attributes:

  • search : text to search for in either the issue title or body
  • match : a regular expression that must be found within the title of the issue found

If no issue is identified using the advanced syntax then no issue will be created at all.

Attaching Files and Embedding Images

Gitlab support also includes ability to attach files from your pipeline outputs. To enable a file to be attached, it first has to be uploaded. To trigger the upload, add it as part of the configuration for the send using the extended send syntax:

    send issue(                                                                         
    ... details ...
    ) to channel: 'gitlab', file: input.txt

This will cause the file to be uploaded and an upload URL will be created. Uploaded files then become available for reference in the description of the issue, simply by embeddedin them using the usual markdown syntax for files:

    send issue(                                                                         
        description: "This file contains the results: [results file]($input.txt)"
    ) to channel: 'gitlab', file: input.txt

Note that the input.txt referenced in the description has to be the same one that you reference in the channel configuration.

Note: at this time only one file can be attached.

Embedding images is the same as attaching files. You simply prefix the file reference in your description with a ! to cause it to be rendered in the issue instead of treated as an attachment. For example:

    send issue(                                                                         
        title: 'Results of Experiment',
        description: "This figure shows my results:\n ![Figure 1]($input.png)"
    ) to channel: 'gitlab', file: input.png

Gitlab Actions

You can cause various actions to occur such as adding and removing labels, assigning issues to people or setting a due date by embedding Quick Actions in the body of the description.

For example, to mark an issue as due in 2 days:

The analysis for sample $sample has finished.

Please follow up to do the QC checks.

/due in 2 days