Bpipe Example : RNASeq Analysis Using Trinity, Bowtie and Corset

In this example we make a full pipeline for RNASeq analysis using popular tools such as Bowtie, Trinity and Corset. This example is based on the example pipeline and data provided with the Corset tool. You can find the full details of that example (including data) here:


How to Run

Using the example data (see link above) you can run the pipeline like so:

bpipe run pipeline.groovy `**`.sra


You may need to adjust the location of Corset and Trinity in the first two variables defined in the pipeline.


convert = {
    produce(input.prefix+"_1.fastq",input.prefix+"_2.fastq") {
        exec """
            fastq-dump --split-3 $input.sra

trim = {
    filter("p1","u1","p2","u2") {
        exec """
            trimmomatic PE -phred33 $input1.fastq $input2.fastq $output1 $output2 $output3 $output4 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 MINLEN:50

pool = {
    produce("all_1.fastq","all_2.fastq") {
        from("**.p1.fastq") {
            exec """
                cat $inputs.fastq | sed 's/ HWI/\\/1 HWI/g' > $output1

        from("**.p2.fastq") {
            exec """
                cat $inputs.fastq | sed 's/ HWI/\\/2 HWI/g' > $output2

trinity = {
    from("all_1.fastq", "all_2.fastq") produce("trinity_out_dir.Trinity.fasta") {
        exec """
            $TRINITY/Trinity.pl --JM 10G --seqType fq --CPU 16 --full_cleanup --left $input1.fastq --right $input2.fastq

bowtie_index = {
    transform("1.ebwt", "2.ebwt", "3.ebwt", "4.ebwt") {
        exec """
            bowtie-build $input.fasta $input.fasta.prefix

bowtie_map = {
    exec """
       bowtie --all -S $input.fasta.prefix -1 ${input.prefix}_1.fastq -2  ${input.prefix}_2.fastq | samtools view -S -b - > $output.bam 

corset = {
    exec """
        $CORSET/corset -g 1,1,1,2,2,2 -n A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 $inputs.bam

run {
    "%.sra" ** [ convert +  trim ] + pool + trinity + bowtie_index + "%.sra" * [ bowtie_map ] + corset