The Produce Statement

    produce(<outputs>|[output1,output2,...]) {
      < statements that produce outputs >


The produce statement declares a block of statements that will be executed transactionally to create a given set of outputs. In this context, "transactional" means that all the statements either succeed together or fail together so that outputs are either fully created, or none are created (in reality, some outputs may be created but Bpipe will move such outputs to the trash folder. Although you do not need to use produce to use Bpipe, using produce adds robustness and clarity to your Bpipe scripts by making explicit the outputs that are created from a particular pipeline stage. This causes the following behavior:

  • If a statement in the enclosed block fails or is interrupted, the specified outputs will be "cleaned up", ie. moved to the trash folder
  • The implicit variable 'output' will be defined as the specified value(s), allowing it to be used in the enclosing block. Derivative implicit variables based on file extensions appended to the output variable will also resolve to the output.
  • The specified output will become the default input to the next stage in the pipeline, unless another input is indicated.
  • If the specified output already exists and is newer than all the input files then executable statements (exec or python for example) within the produce block will not be executed. Note that the block itself may be executed, since Bpipe may evaluate it to probe for any references to inputs or outputs not declared in the produce section.

Note: in most cases it will make more sense to use the convenience wrappers filter or transform rather than using produce directly as these statements will automatically determine an appropriate file name for the output based on the file name of the input.

A wildcard pattern can also be provided as input to produce. In such a case, the $output variable is not assigned a value, but after the produce block executes, the file system is scanned for files matching the wild card pattern and any files found that were not present before running the command are treated as outputs of the block.

Note: as Bpipe assumes ALL matching new files are outputs from the produce block, using a wild card pattern inside a parallel block should be treated with caution, as multiple executing pathways may "see" each other's files.


Produce a single output

produce("foo.txt") {
  exec "echo 'Hello World' > $output"

Produce multiple outputs

produce("foo.txt", "bar.txt") {
  exec "echo Hello > $output1"
  exec "echo World > $output2"